Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Flexilooms & Balloons

I finally got the flexilooms that I ordered from In the Attic. I paid for them via paypal on Aug 12th, so I was starting to get pretty worried. Even though it was very slow shipping, they are really nice looms, much nicer than the Knifty Knitter. I got the mitten set and will be able to to make baby booties, too. I think the hat size is about at 2-3 pounder, whereas the smallest Knifty Knitter is about a 4-5 lb size.

Sunday was the one year anniversary of Emma's death. It's been a pretty emotional last couple of weeks, to say the least. Here's a photo from the balloon release we did on Sunday.

Hannah had a high speed come-apart when we released the balloons. That's what we call a toddler meltdown. :-) This wasn't the first balloon release we've done so I wasn't expecting it. As we were getting back in the car, she finally decided to tell us that she wanted to release the pink balloon that I had held back for her to take home and play with. So, here's her solo pink one going up. There's something about seeing this one pink balloon going up that tugs at my heart.

Mom and Sue meet with the Senior Citizen's Center today at 11:15am. I can't wait to hear how that turns out. I hope several are interested in volunteering to make some baby items. It seems that so many people enjoy making baby hats and booties, but I wish I could find someone to help make bereavement items. I know it's not easy to think about, but there's a real need out there.

Lastly, my goal is to finish my smocked gown for Lucybug. It's way over due. Then, I'm working on Emma's scrapbook. Can you tell that I'm procrastinating?


Tracy Batchelder said...

Praying for you. I know this is a hard time for your family.

Anonymous said...

Oh my.. that pink balloon, from sister to sister. Might be a sister picture for the scrapbook. I can see why that tugged at your heart so.

I was thinking of you on the 10th and wondering if you were getting through the day ok. I'm glad to see you posting.

Mama Bear